We have campaigns that supports and educates about waste minimisation. Learn about how (and get involved with!) the campaigns are doing their part to take care of our environment.
The Bring Your Own Singapore movement started in 2017 and over 2.5 million pieces of plastic disposables were reduced. This year, more businesses are participating and we are all encouraging customers to bring their own reusable and/or refuse single-use disposables through incentives, disincentives or active customer education and engagement.
This new campaign complements the National Recycling programme by NEA. We aims to encourage more HDB residents to recycle using the existing blue recycling bins in their estates, and to educate them on recycling correctly. Your neighbours and other families are recycling, join them today and let’s recycle together.
In Singapore, 796,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in 2013 and the recycling rate is only 13%. The SFCW campaign educates individuals, businesses and organisations in SIngapore about the environmental and social impacts of food waste, and to encourage everyone to take action in reducing food waste.